Bekijk Volledige Versie : Pensioneren in Florida

13-07-09, 15:47
Onderstaand mailtje kreeg ik toegezonden. Het gaat om het mogelijk versoepelen van de toelating van pensionado's. Dit om de economie te boosten.
Hopenlijk gaat dit realiteit worden want dan weet ik het wel \\:D/
Er wordt momenteel door oa. de NAR (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®) een flinke lobby gevoerd; http://raisingtheroof.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/26/case-for-retirement-visa-in-united-states-may-gain-new-traction/


etc. etc.

Establishing A Retirement Visa

Executive Summary

Both Florida’s natural assets and its uniquely strategic location make it well positioned for tremendous levels of international trade, tourism, and commerce. There but for antiquated regulations, Florida would be a leader in these areas. It is important for Florida to address this deficiency so that it can continue to prosper.


To aid our nation’s economic recovery, the United States should consider creating a retirement visa. This policy, which is currently practiced on every settled continent including our own, welcomes foreign retirees to spend their later years in our country, allowing them to invest in real estate and contribute new dollars to the state and national economies while keeping them out of the labor pool.

The proposal presented in this report is not a "new" concept; however, it will require forward-thinking leadership and amendments to foreign policy that will enable positive reform in the best interests of Florida and national taxpayers alike. A retirement visa (often referred to in the U.S. as a "Silver Card" and also known worldwide as a "rentista," or "pensionado" visa) has the potential for creating new jobs, generating income, increasing federal, state, and local tax revenues, and improving banking and market stability. – all while improving both the nation’s international perspective and perception.

Now is certainly not the time to discourage any potential investments in Florida real estate by deterring foreigners from retiring here and bringing with them their life savings. If the proper measures are added into existing law, then the retirement visa will allow nonresident taxpayers to enter our country and the doors of opportunity will open – allowing the U.S. to experience an influx of well-positioned and financially stable individuals that wish to purchase homes and property, and can inject billions of dollars into the economy.

Current Options for Foreigners to Retire in Florida

At this time, there are limited options for foreign nationals to reside in the United States without investing significant time and resources to remain in the country. There are approximately 88 types of visas currently available for foreigners who wish to reside in the United States, but most allow for only a limited time of stay. For instance, the maximum length granted through a tourist visa (B-2) is up to one year, with a possible extension of up six months at a time. While many visas exist, there exists no long-term visa, which would allow foreign nationals who own vacation or retirement properties in the U.S. to remain in the country for an extended duration beyond that offered through the more time limited tourist visa.

Many retirees simply desire to enjoy the remainder of their years partaking in cultural or recreational activities – not working, as would be the desire of green card applicants. These persons simply wish to enjoy many years of retirement on our nation’s shores. However, the restrictions of the current system discourage foreigners from purchasing retirement or vacation properties in the U.S., thus suppressing demand for American property.
Although there are a few long-stay visas – such as treaty investor visas (E-2)5 and employment creation visas (EB-5), these visas are not tailored to address the unique needs of foreigners who desire to extend their stays beyond one year.

Likewise, there are no non-immigrant visas that would reasonably denote the intentions of prospective foreign retirees. Most of the visas that fall within this category are for purposes limited to business or capital investment requirements, employment, familial relations (fiancé, child, or relative), education or exchange, victimization in foreign lands, entertainment or media.

"Things are moving in the right direction."-JC Penny


JC and Estella Penny
Certified International Property Specialist
JC Penny Realty
502 Canna Drive
Davenport, Florida 33844
Ph. 863-353-8193
Fax: 863-248-8217
Mobile: 321-689-5341
Email : JC@JCPennyRealty.com (mhtml:{AF996989-B915-4157-8487-FAE42D757D0C}mid://00000011/!x-usc:blocked::mailto:JC@JCPennyRealty.com)
Email : Estella@JCPennyRealty.com (mhtml:{AF996989-B915-4157-8487-FAE42D757D0C}mid://00000011/!x-usc:blocked::mailto:Estella@JCPennyRealty.com)
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13-07-09, 16:31
Vaag artikeltje, m.i. meer een "wishful thinking" van deze vastgoed-boer dan realiteit.
Er staat alleen maar in dat ze dat zouden willen, maar helemaal niets over eventuele politieke plannen om zoiets te verwezenlijken.


13-07-09, 16:39
Zoals ik het lees is het slechts een opinie van JC Penny, the realtor: the United States should consider creating a retirement visa. Hij onderbouwt zijn mening door de (on)mogelijkheden op te sommen. Vervolgens geeft hij aan hoe goed een retirement visa voor de markt zou zijn. Zo lust ik er nog wel een paar........

13-07-09, 17:29
Dat zeg ik... :D