
Bekijk Volledige Versie : SkyRise Miami: ontwikkelaar wil 300 meter hoge uitkijktoren bouwen

21-11-13, 03:31
Een bekende ontwikkelaar in Miami heeft een idee uitgewerkt om een 300 meter (1000 ft) hoge toren te bouwen bij Bayside Marketplace. Het moet een markant bouwwerk worden in de haven van Miami, en dienst gaan doen als uitkijktoren en amusementscenter.

Wat vind jij van dit idee?

Developer plans 1,000-foot bayfront tower in downtown Miami

A prominent Miami developer is getting ready to unveil a proposal for a colossal bayfront observation tower and vertical — not to say vertigo-inducing — amusement center in downtown Miami that he believes will become the city’s analogue to the Eiffel Tower.

The SkyRise Miami tower would thrust up 1,000 feet on a spit of land behind Bayside Marketplace, making it — at least for a time — the tallest structure in the city.

Shaped like a hairpin, the sleek structure would be open on the sides to allow hurricane-force winds to flow through and would contain observation decks, an upscale restaurant and ballroom and a pair of attractions for high-altitude thrill-seekers: A bungee jump and a Tower of Terror-like ride that would drop some 50 stories along the shaft.

The tower, designed by Arquitectonica’s Bernardo Fort-Brescia, would also contain a flight-simulation ride that would take visitors gliding amid the towers of downtown, over the Everglades and diving down beneath the sea to offshore reefs. The ride would be similar to Epcot’s immensely popular “Soarin’” and made by the same company responsible for Disney’s, said developer Jeff Berkowitz.

Berkowitz and Fort-Brescia said they set out to create a tower that’s sharply distinct from its competitors, typically symmetrical towers containing an observation deck and restaurant topped by what the architect called “an unidentified flying object.’’

The Miami tower’s profile instead resembles a jumping fish or a cresting wave that faces south to Latin America, “the continents that Miami reaches out to,’’ Fort-Brescia said. The open sides would provide views stretching from the Gulf Stream west to the Everglades from indoor and outdoor observation decks. The southern façade would be covered in a perforated metallic screen. At ground level, a massive south-facing canopy — the tip of the wave — would frame a dramatic entrance and outdoor amphitheater.

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21-11-13, 08:30
Mooi gebouw. En het kan inderdaad een herkenbaar punt worden voor Miami. Beetje zoals het 'zeilschip' van Dubai.