
Bekijk Volledige Versie : [Waarschuwing] failliet

14-08-10, 06:11
In feb. prepaid geboekt voor 3 weken (16 juli/12 aug) Shorwalk-Bradenton via 1800hotels. Aangekomen in Bradenton bleek dat Shorewalk helemaal niet was betaald door 1800hotels. Moest dus opnieuw betalen om te kunnen verblijven. Ik heb geprobeerd om via e-mail en telefoon in contact te komen met 1800hotels, tot nu toe nog geen reactie van hun kant.
Dus folks, doe geen zaken met 1800hotels !!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-08-10, 09:15
Niks fraude, "gewoon" een faillissemnt. Zoals op de website van o.a. Fox News valt te lezen:

DALLAS - FOX 4’s Steve Noviello has a warning for summer travelers. Those who booked a vacation through may find their reservations have been canceled. The company’s United States Website says it is experiencing technical difficulties, but employees of the Tampa-based business said it has gone bankrupt. They showed up for work Tuesday to find the light out and the doors locked.

What does that mean for customers?
Noviello explains consumers paid The company then paid a wholesaler to book and pay hotels. Because the company reportedly stopped paying its wholesaler, many rooms never got booked and many hotels were never paid.
Droves of customers who booked their summer travel plans through are now left with non-existent reservations. A spokesperson at the international headquarters in Ireland said customers are urged to directly call the hotel where they are supposed to stay. Customers should also contact their bank or credit card company to dispute the charges.

North Texas-based is not affiliated with Its customers are not affected.

Dit loopt trouwens al een maand; de meeste berichten die erover te vinden zijn zijn van 14/15/16 juli.

Het bedrijf is/was in Tampa gevestigd. Op de website van is dan ook een ruim artikel over de bankrupcy van 1800hotels ('s draws ire of travelers worldwide) te vinden:

Tampa's draws ire of travelers worldwide

Juan Torres strode up to the front desk of the Hilton in Durban, South Africa, his latest stop in a tour of World Cup games last month.
The front desk staff was apologetic. Two rooms he bought on the Web a month earlier were gone. A company called Tourico Holidays ( canceled his reservations.
The reason: (;jsessionid=A06E472514EB7324733ACB4A542CBDF7 .tn12tc05?currencyCode=USD&additionalDataString=vrBookingSource|null&locale=en_us_US&cid=316226), the travel website in Tampa that Torres paid, hadn't paid Tourico, a room wholesaler.
The same thing has happened hundreds, maybe thousands of times in the last month.
To a grandmother as she tried to check into a Candlewood Suites in Birmingham, Ala. To a couple from Winter Park at a Doubletree in Chicago. To a retired university professor staying at an Upper West Side hotel in New York City.
Unhappy customers are trashing on travel websites such as TripAdvisor ( They complain that neither the company nor suppliers like Tourico alerted them about canceled reservations. Most found out when they called their hotels before leaving or while checking in.
"What gripes me most is no one felt obligated to tell anyone anything," says Richard Prepost, the retired University of Wisconsin physics professor "It's disgraceful."
Word started leaking out that and its Irish parent, Happy Duck Ltd., filed for bankruptcy reorganization under Chapter 11 in Tampa on July 13.
Two suppliers, Tourico and Gullivers Travel Associates (, had canceled more than 3,600 reservations. Bankruptcy was the only way to stop them from ruining the business, the company said.
Their contracts worked like this: Customers paid Then suppliers had to pay hotels for rooms when customers checked in — whether or not the company paid them. and its Irish cousin,, owed $4 million since July 1, said Gullivers, and it would lose $30,000 to $50,000 a day if the judge blocked more cancellations. Bankruptcy Judge Caryl Delano gave suppliers the green light to continue.
The Irish website shut down last month. It still carries a statement ( that the company filed for bankruptcy to protect customer reservations. But went back into business last week, said Steven Berman, the company's Tampa attorney.
It has a large, new hotel wholesaler and a different way of handling finances, he said. Money from customers goes directly to the supplier, says Berman, so there won't be payment disputes or room cancellations. He wouldn't identify the company.
"The first day, we had a higher volume of sales than we expected," said Berman. It's too early to know if the business will suffer "reputational damage" from the cancellations, he said.
Customers stuck without reservations say no one at, located at 215 N Howard Ave., answered the phone or returned calls. Some like Dianne Osburn of Attleboro, Mass., wound up getting rooms at their hotels, but at a higher rate.
Her four-night stay in Birmingham last week cost $270. Osburn is still out the $205.92 she paid The company sent her a claim form to file with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Tampa. "They took my money and gave me a bogus (hotel) confirmation number," she says.
At the Hilton in South Africa, managers found Torres two spare rooms for himself, his two brothers and nephews. He didn't mind paying the hotel $30 a night above the rate. But he's through with the online hotel site.
"I'm not doing business with them again," said Torres, a casino operator in Honduras. "They knew what they were doing. It's like writing checks without funds."

18-08-10, 16:44
Wat is "gewoon" faillisement?
Eerst chapter 11 faillisement indienen en honderden misschien wel duizenden gedupeerden achterlaten.
Vervolgens een week later weer gewoon op internet back to business. Gedupeerden (waaronder mijzelf) krijgen niets dan ook helemaal niets van hun te horen. Ik heb wel van de nieuwe 1800hotels een formulier ontvangen (na tientallen onbeantwoorde emails en telefoontjes) om een claim te leggen bij de rechtbank in Tampa. Naar mijn mening is dit frauduleus gedrag.